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Financial Assistance

Military Service Recognition

We honor our military veterans and recognize that military service can place a hardship on individuals and military families. Please inquire about our “Thank-A-Vet” Military Service recognition membership discounts and assistance.

Thank you for your service in uniform!

Financially Assisted Memberships and Programs
Together, We Are Better!

Lititz recCenter has a mission to engage all members of our community in enriching activities. We recognize that hardships – financial, health, or otherwise – can impact an individual’s or family’s ability to make recreation and wellness a priority.

Our Community Partnership Fund is named in honor of Rochelle “Skip” Clair, who during a period of organizational hardship, volunteered to serve as Executive Director of then “Lititz Community Center” in order to maintain programs for our community.

Now, each year, our community members give back to others by making donations to this financial assistance program. Qualifying families, individuals, and youth in our community can apply through Member Services for assistance for memberships and programs. For more information, to refer a family or child, or to request a confidential application, please contact our Membership Director,

Download a Financial Assistance Application


Donate to the Fund
Support a Community Member In-Need

Please consider a tax-deductible contribution to the Community Partnership Fund when you join Lititz recCenter, when you receive a pledge card, or when you encounter a family or community member in-need.

Donations may be made anytime by mail to Lititz recCenter, in person, or through a response to one of our requests for gifts.  For more information, or to make a donation, please contact our Development Coordinator,


Support Scholarships at Lititz recCenter


 Make a tax-deductible contribution to support the “Community Partnership Program” at Lititz recCenter by clicking here or on the image above.  Scholarships are provided to youth, families, seniors, and active-duty military members for short-term memberships, access to summer camps, sports, swimming lessons, or wellness programs.  

Cash donations are accepted any time at Lititz recCenter or a check can be mailed to 301 W Maple St., Lititz, PA  17543