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Group Fitness Class Descriptions

Live Instructor Courses are led by passionate, friendly, certified trainers and instructors who have diverse backgrounds. Check out what’s offered this week on our Lititz recCenter SCHEDULE APP!  Download it from your favorite app store or view it HERE ONLINE.

*Members enjoy all Live and Virtual Group Fitness classes for FREE! 

More than 100 classes scheduled per week.  NonMembers can join in classes with the purchase of a daily guest pass.

Strength & Core

Les Mills BODY PUMP:  60-minute workout. Weight-training with barbells and plates to create a strong, fit, body.  

Les Mills CORE: 30-minute focused exercise for core strength and conditioning.

Pilates: This class cover the 18 beginner level mat exercises, focusing on the fundamentals of the core, form and breath work.

Cardio & Strength

Bosu Circuit: 60-minute Using the BOSU, a fat-burning class designed to challenge your balance, muscular strength and improve your cardiovascular endurance.

Les Mills GRIT: STRENGTH / PLYO / CARDIO.  30-minute High Intensity Interval Training uses barbell, weight plate and body weight exercises

Dance Fitness

ZUMBA:  60-minute workout to the beat of your favorite energizing music!  

OULA:  60-minute all-ages adult dance-mania for the soulfulness of a mind-body practice, with the carefree playfulness of living room dance party.


Les Mills TRIP – 45-minute multi-peak immersive cycling workout to elevate your heart and sensory experiences. ~Virtual~

SPIN – 45 minutes of training like a true cyclist by incorporating pure athletic training that outdoor cycling utilizes, paired with great, motivational music.

Les Mills RPM – 30-minute cycle workout to challenge your aerobic fitness and muscle endurance. You control the resistance to curate a unique experience.

Les Mills SPRINT – 30-minute High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workout to achieve fast results.

Body & Mind

Les Mills BODY BALANCE – 60-minutes of yoga, Tai-Chi, Pilates workout to build flexibility and strength with a sense of calm and centering.

Gentle Yoga – 60-minute center yourself with this one-hour combination class. The first half focuses on standing postures that strengthen and lengthen the muscles. The second half of the class takes places on the floor in restorative postures.

Hatha Yoga – 45-minute class practiced at a slower pace, focusing on breathing, controlled movements and stretching.

Vinyasa Yoga – 60-minute class focusing on special movement, meditation, and self-inquiry.

Power Yoga – 45-minute class to increase strength, flexibility, mental clarity, and endurance.  Find mind and body connections and expect to sweat.

Live Instructor Classes are led by passionate, friendly, certified trainers and instructors with diverse backgrounds. Check out what’s offered this week on our Lititz recCenter App! Download it from your app store or view it HERE ONLINE.


Les Mills BODY COMBAT: 60-minute, high energy martial arts inspired non-contact workout combining disciplines of Karate, Boxing, Tae Kwon Do, and Tai Chi.

INSANITY: 45-minute cardio class with total body conditioning based on the principles of maximum interval training.

Low Impact

Les Mills TONE-: 45-minute low impact class improving your flexibility, agility, and balance through strength, cardio and core work.

POUND: 60-minute drumming workout mixing cardio and strength training in a fun and dynamic class.

Silver Fitness – Active Older Adults

Silver Cardio & Strength – A low impact class which focuses on total body and core while incorporating agility, balance exercises and flexibility. ~This class can be done seated~

Silver Yoga -45-minute class focuses on full body stretching, meditation and stress relief. This can be done seated or standing.

Silver Strong: 45-minute class to improve balance, agility and strength with body weight exercises, medicine balls, stability balls, and weights for active older adults.

Active Older Adults have more options for lower impact group workouts at the Lititz recCenter! These programs are designed for individuals of all abilities & interests and are extremely popular with active older adults too!

  • LMI Body Balance
  • LMI Tone
  • Gentle, Hatha, Vinyasa & Power Yoga
  • OULA

Ready to go VIRTUAL?  Try our Les Mills Virtual classes presented on our LED Screens in two of our Fitness Studios. You’ll get a dynamic fitness experience with the latest technology.


*Members enjoy all Live and Virtual Group Fitness classes for FREE