Age Groups (Male/Female):
14 & Under | 30-34 | 50-54 |
15-19 | 35-39 | 60-64 |
20-24 | 40-44 | 65-69 |
25-29 | 45-49 | 70+ |
Ephrata (May 27)
Hempfield (August 24)
Lititz (September 21)
Athletes are eligible for $100 first place prizes and $65 second place awards in three categories for top and runner up male and female: 17 and under, adult, and Master’s (50+). Awards ceremony at last event, Sept 21. Registration deadline for Triple Crown 5K race series is May 12, 2024 for event shirts, May 27 for race entries (MUST be registered prior to start of first race). Participants must complete all three events in order to remain eligible for Triple Crown 5K prizes. Participants are also eligible for individual event prizes. Events have option for individual event registrations, however only Triple Crown 5Ks registrants will be eligible for Triple Crown awards.
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Questions? Contact Race Director or call 717.626.5096 ext. 229
For our youngest runners, a fun mile run for kid-friendly competition. Kids get race bibs and shirts and lots of sideline cheering to keep them moving toward the finish line.