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Donate to Support our Mission & Goals

Lititz Recreation Center  1944-1960  
Lititz Community Center  1960-1989  
Lititz recCenter  1989-Present

Together We are Better

As a non-profit recreation services provider, Lititz recCenter relies on the generosity of our Members, individuals, municipalities, businesses, and other organizations in our region for program development, facility re-investments, leadership and volunteers, and financial support.

The mission of Lititz recCenter, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, is to enrich the lives of the community by providing exceptional programs and facilities that promote the participation of individuals, families, businesses and groups from all backgrounds.



Many of our Members and individuals from our community contribute their time as volunteers, in leadership roles within our organization, as coaches, as event staff, or on an as-needed basis.

Our volunteers are amazing!



Sponsorships and donations support our special events and programs, which engage community members of all ages, celebrate successes, and challenge them to stay engaged in Lititz recCenter. 

We appreciate these contributions!



Many individuals, families, businesses and organizations make contributions throughout the year to directly support Lititz recCenter programs and initiatives.

We value these donors!



Explore these opportunities for supporting Lititz recCenter and our programs!


Event Sponsorships & Advertising

Community Partnership Fund Scholarships for Membership & Programs

Endowment Funds & Legacy League

Extraordinary GiveThank you for your support on November 17!